When you hear the saying "it takes a village" you don't really understand it till your village is suddenly taken away. March 14,2020 was the day that changed it all, the province was under a state of emergency and within the blink of an eye our villages were taken away. No new mother ever imagines she will be doing this on her own, the first few months are the hardest they say and they were not lying , from 4 month regressions to teething and lack of sleep us new moms need help. I went from having grandparents over daily to not at all, from weekly lunch dates and mommy and me fitness classes to home made meals and you tube workouts.
To say this has been hard is an understatement as I sit here and write this on day 53 of my self isolation I am emotionally and physically drained, raising a 5 month old who needs constant attention is a full time job with double over time . Now don't get me wrong , I have the most supportive husband in the world but throughout the night when baby boy wakes up crying and the only thing he wants is his momma there isn't much he can do other then be there for me. Once my husband leaves for work and its just the 2 of us, I do get pretty lonely, with no one to talk to and a 5 month old to try and entertain, who for the most part has been on a nap protest for what feels like 6 weeks I feel like I'm paddling as fast as I can to keep my head above water.
Now there are plenty of social media platforms that allow video chat but being a new mom whose home alone 6 days a week its hard to jump on those random calls or just pack up and go on a social distance walk. On my first day of maternity leave I was so excited, I had a whole year off, a year to make new mom friends, take my baby boy to Mommy and Me classes, go for walks, Happy hour dates with the girls and time to work on my passion project. Never did I think not long after we had gotten into a routine that the world would come to a halt and it would be just the 2 of us staying safe at home.
I have thoroughly enjoyed having all the baby snuggles to myself but I am not to proud to say I need help from my village and I am anxiously waiting for the day when we get some kind of normal back. Till then Face Time will have to do, but let me tell you this , if you have a friend who has recently become a mommy, reach out, pop by for wine on the front porch or send over a coffee to let them know you're thinking of them - we are getting lonely and need our villages more than ever right now.